Custom Created Glass and Art Designs
Picasso Kaleidoscope


These are photos I’ve taken either during a photography class I had, or other photos that I’ve taken and turned into projects.

Photographical projects…

Picasso Kaleidoscope

Picasso Kaleidoscope

This is a photo I took of a Picasso Calla Lilly, and turned into a kaleidoscope image. 8 x 10 image printed onto Silver Metallic Luster paper.

African Lady Kaleidoscope

African Lady Kaleidoscope

This is a photo I took of a African Lady Lilly, and turned into a kaleidoscope image. 8 x 10 image printed onto Silver Metallic Luster paper.

Cantor Kaleidoscope

Cantor Kaleidoscope

This is a photo I took of a Cantor Calla Lilly, and turned into a kaleidoscope image. 8 x 10 image printed onto Silver Metallic Luster paper.

Hydrangea Kaleidoscope

Hydrangea Kaleidoscope

This is a photo I took of a Hydrangea, and turned into a kaleidoscope image. 8 x 10 image printed onto Silver Metallic Luster paper.

Portland Kaleidoscope

Portland Kaleidoscope

This is a photo I took of a Portland Lilly, and turned into a kaleidoscope image. 8 x 10 image printed onto Silver Metallic Luster paper.

Tatsjana Kaleidoscope

Tatsjana Kaleidoscope

This is a photo I took of a Tatsjana Lilly, and turned into a kaleidoscope image. 8 x 10 image printed onto Silver Metallic Luster paper.

Time Zone Kaleidoscope

Time Zone Kaleidoscope

This is a photo I took of a Time Zone Lilly, and turned into a kaleidoscope image. 8 x 10 image printed onto Silver Metallic Luster paper.

Wildflower Kaleidoscope

Wildflower Kaleidoscope

This is a photo I took of some Wildflowers, and turned into a kaleidoscope image. 8 x 10 image printed onto Silver Metallic Luster paper.