Brand new site, brand new blog..
Hello! I've been working today on this site, as well as getting items ready for my next market. Along with updating the Glass Guild's website. Crazy, crazy days. My kiln's been going for 10 days or so straight. Sigh, if only I didn't have to sleep, or have a day job. But, until such a time as those things aren't a necessity...onward.
I've changed my web editing to another place because I've been frustrated with my last one. Long story. This one meets most of my needs, for now. I also am not taking the time to move my old blog ( and since I haven't posted to it in awhile anyway, probably not worth the effort. If you want to see the fruits of my labors during my glass drawing challenge earlier this year, that's where they are.
Anyway---here's what is in the kiln right now, getting ready to be prepped for the next step. I've got a whole mess of coldworking to to, along with a full tray of firepolishing and some slumping, and with any luck, I'll have a bunch of new pieces ready by next Sunday for the Orenco Market. Gotta get back to it!! Hope to see many of you there!!